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artwork | "Citation" |
audioRecording | "Citation" |
bill | "Citation" |
blogPost | "Cite web" |
book | "Cite book" |
bookSection | "Citation" |
case | "Citation" |
computerProgram | "Citation" |
conferencePaper | "Cite journal" |
dictionaryEntry | "Citation" |
document | "Citation" |
"Cite web" | |
encyclopediaArticle | "Citation" |
film | "Citation" |
forumPost | "Cite web" |
hearing | "Citation" |
instantMessage | "Citation" |
interview | "Citation" |
journalArticle | "Cite journal" |
letter | "Citation" |
magazineArticle | "Cite news" |
manuscript | "Cite book" |
map | "Citation" |
newspaperArticle | "Cite news" |
patent | "Cite patent" |
podcast | "Citation" |
presentation | "Cite journal" |
radioBroadcast | "Citation" |
report | "Cite report" |
statute | "Citation" |
thesis | "Cite thesis" |
tvBroadcast | "Citation" |
videoRecording | "Cite AV media" |
webpage | "Cite web" |
preprint | "Citation" |