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Prick Your Finger

Prick Your Finger ("PYF") is an online gathering on Discord for mature and inclusive enthusiasts of intersectional femdom, woman-aligned queerdom, power exchange, and other related kinks.


Originating[1] from r/FemdomCommunity, the Prick Your Finger discord community is known for its robust community guidelines promoting safety, inclusivity, and enjoyment. It emphasizes a casual protocol named the "dynamic scene," where a consensual power dynamic is maintained in shared spaces.

Members participate in the scene, with flexibility offered via the server's role system, allowing users to decide their level of involvement. The community demands verification upon joining, a measure introduced to ensure the safety and authenticity of its adult members. In consideration of the threats faced by the LGBTQ/Queer community, the server enforces uniform verification and compliance standards for all.

Membership Criteria

Members sought by the community should:

  • Be emotionally mature and at least 21 years old with age verification.
  • Exhibit passion for femdom, woman-aligned queerdom, and related subjects.
  • Actively engage in discussions and server events.
  • Maintain open-mindedness, inclusivity, and good communication skills.
  • Seek non-professional engagement in the community's focus areas.


Those interested in subjects like femdom, woman-aligned queerdom, and associated kinks are welcome to join and connect with like-minded individuals by following our invite link here: PYF Official Discord Server. The community promises learning opportunities and engaging activities in its unique space.

Community Demographics

Prick Your Finger hosts a diverse group from varying backgrounds and experience levels. Its core aim is creating an aggressively inclusive environment. The server provides various channels for members to converse and exchange ideas. Safety, respect, and harassment-free interactions are cornerstones of their guidelines.

Rules and Guidelines

By engaging in this server, you agree to comply with the server rules, code of conduct, and channel guidelines, regardless of whether they have been read in their entirety. It is strongly encouraged to familiarize yourself with these guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Additionally, for newcomers, the following three rules and concepts are emphasized:

  • Verification: Members must provide a valid ID and a clear picture of their face for age verification unless they can be vetted through other acceptable methods, such as in-person contact or other reliable means.
  • Dynamic Scene: An intrinsic aspect that requires participating members to follow and uphold specific standards. This system acknowledges the power dynamics and consensual inequality voluntarily embraced by members.
    • Participation: Although participation in the scene is automatic, it's not obligatory. The server's systems allow for adjustable engagement levels.

While the Moderation team is dedicated to protecting members and their content against bad actors and malicious activities, the primary responsibility for safeguarding your identity lies with each individual. This platform is a protected yet semi-public space. Vigilance and discernment are urged when sharing sensitive information or media that could reveal their identity. Be aware of the potential risks associated with the content you choose to share.

For reference, the entirety of the internal resources regarding the server are included below.


For a deeper understanding of the rules, consult pinned posts and channel descriptions, observe the community's behavior, or ask fellow server members for guidance, provided you have already made an effort to learn the following on your own.

  1. Do not troll or spam.
    • Refrain from posting any trolling, spamming, or excessively triggering content in any form of communication. This includes messages, direct messages, emojis, reactions, commands, single letters/punctuation, copy-pasta, voice, or video. Be mindful of others and maintain a positive environment.
  2. No self-deprecation.
    • Refrain from engaging in self-deprecating behavior or comments, such as putting yourself down, belittling accomplishments, or expressing a negative self-image. While it is normal to experience difficult moments or feelings, remember that these moments do not define your worth. Focus on self-improvement, positive communication, and sharing your struggles without undermining your value. Foster an empowering and supportive environment.
  3. Respect boundaries.
    • Unwritten rules exist in this server: they're called boundaries, and everyone has them. If someone communicates their boundaries to you in good faith, respect them. Keep in mind, your boundaries determine how others interact with you, not how they interact with others. In a community of consenting adults, appreciate and respect the diverse preferences and boundaries of all members.
  4. Community expectations.
    • Check pinned posts and channel descriptions for channel and community guidelines before posting. Be open to learning and adhering to community norms and expectations as you become aware of them through your interactions within the community. Accept explanations or corrections from other members with grace. Foster an environment of mutual respect by demonstrating respectful behavior.
  5. Maintain formality.
    • All members should address each other respectfully. Use titles where preferred, but also recognize the fluidity in roles, especially for Switches. Whether you're addressing a Dominant, Switch, or Submissive, adapt your interactions based on their current expressed role and preference.
  6. Respectful direct messaging.
    • All members must request permission to direct message another person using the #dm-requests channel. This ensures respect for personal boundaries and maintains a consensual communication environment.
  7. Do not ping.
    • Do not ping anyone with the @Do Not Ping role, including in replies or quotes, while in the same channel or channels they are active in.
  8. Adult content delineation.
    • Please keep safe for work ("SFW") and not safe for work ("NSFW") content where they belong. NSFW discussion is always permitted in channels that are flagged for NSFW as relevant.
  9. Use channels appropriately.
    • Respect the purpose and function of each channel within the server. Do not misuse or abuse channels by posting irrelevant content or disregarding channel-specific rules. Ensure that your contributions align with the intended topic, promoting a positive and organized environment for all members.
  10. Adaptability and preference.
    • All members should adapt to each individual's preference. Recognizing role fluidity, Switches may align with Dominant or Submissive dynamics as preferred. In situations of uncertainty or misinterpretation, prioritize respectful and clear communication. Consider first-time misunderstandings with guidance, not reprimand, fostering an environment of understanding and learning.
  11. Nonparticipation and kink-adjacency.
    • Members opting out of the dynamic scene or practical power exchange roles (Dominant, Switch, or Submissive) will not engage in scene activities nor be obligated to do so.
  12. This is an adult only (21+) community.
    • Verification must be provided through a valid piece of ID: one picture of the ID and one picture of you holding it with your face in view. The birth date must be visible. Any other information can (and should) be censored. These pictures must be provided in your authentication ticket. This must be completed within 24 hours of joining. Failure to do so will result in your removal.
  13. Code of conduct.
    • All members are expected to follow the code of conduct.

Code of Conduct

We encourage members to speak freely and express their opinions openly – but tactfully. To that end, all members will strive to follow the code of conduct presented here:

  1. Privacy & Confidentiality
    • Respect the privacy and confidentiality of server members.
  2. Sexual Harassment
    • Sexual harassment will not be tolerated.
  3. Remain Civil
    • No defamatory, offensive, or violent language or content.
  4. Think Equality
    • Language or content that discriminates or perpetuates hate on the grounds of race, ethnicity, disability, religion, age, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation (or another characteristic) are not appropriate.
  5. Be Respectful
    • Personal attacks are not acceptable. When challenging an opinion, challenge the point and not the person. However, respectability politics, sealioning, and tone policing will also not be tolerated and will be construed as aggressively egregious behavior.
  6. Maintain Confidence
    • Do not break confidence with, or share private information from, another server member without their explicit permission unless you believe someone’s life is at risk.

Dynamic Scene

Our community thrives within an inherent dynamic scene, creating a space for consensual, kinky inequality. This unique environment allows members to engage in a live power dynamic, offering the chance to lead or follow in a way that enhances the experience for everyone involved.

For both newcomers and existing members, the "dynamic" aspect of our scene underscores our dedication to flexibility and personal choice. Whether you're eager to dive into active participation or prefer to observe and gradually engage, the scene adapts to each individual's comfort level and pace. This flexibility ensures that everyone can find their own way to comfortably engage, making each person's experience uniquely tailored.

At the core of every interaction within the scene is clear and informed consent. Whether it's adhering to specific conversational guidelines or partaking in light-hearted tasks, all actions respect the boundaries and preferences of those involved. In our community, following the FRIES[2] model means consent is always Freely given (F), Reversible at any time (R), Informed with complete understanding (I), Enthusiastic (E), and Specific to each situation (S). This ensures a respectful and safe environment for everyone.

The scene in our community is more than just a setting; it's a vibrant and evolving environment. It serves as an inviting space for those intrigued by power dynamics to explore them safely, with respect and informed consent as fundamental values. By participating, you agree to engage in this playful exploration of power dynamics, where your comfort, consent, and safety are always our top priorities.

Server Safeword

When the server safeword ?stop is used, it indicates an immediate end to any ongoing activities related to the scene. The use of the server safeword is always assumed to be sincere.

The @Safeword Used role will be applied to the user for ten minutes and will be identifiable by a red 🛑 next to their username (e.g., Janeway 🛑 or Captain Janeway 🛑) for the duration of the role. Additionally, a ticket will be automatically created and sent to the Moderation team to ensure the well-being of the user and other relevant server members.

The server safeword is a crucial tool for ensuring the safety and well-being of all members of the community and misusing the safeword can undermine its effectiveness, erode trust among community members, and create a dangerous situation for everyone involved.

It is important that all members understand the importance of using the safeword appropriately, and that it is always treated with the utmost seriousness and respect. Misusing the safeword will be considered as a serious violation of the server rules and will result in disciplinary action against the person who misused it.

If you believe that the server safeword has been used in bad faith and you want to voice your concerns, you may open a ticket in any text-available channel by using the /tickets Open subject:Safeword Abuse command.

Server Leveling & Tier System

The server leveling and tier (T#) system recognizes, rewards, and engages dedicated members. Designed to promote active engagement and community recognition, it aims to create a time-gated access to certain channels based on fairness, transparency, and community involvement.

The T# system is crafted to honor presence and participation. Misunderstanding or misusing it impacts both the individual and the community. Serious violations related to manipulation or misuse may lead to disciplinary action. The success of this system lies in collective respect and adherence to the rules and code of conduct.

Members progress through T# based on consistent criteria, including text activity and overall positive engagement within the server. For returning members, past engagement is valued, and a quick review of positive contributions determines appropriate recognition. Although bots may not record voice chat activity, other community members might. Voice contributions won't go unnoticed and may reward T# in place of traditional activity.

The T# system acts as a measure to time-gate access to specific channels, offering existing members a window to manage or remove their sensitive content if they feel wary about newer members having easy access to their data. However, it is not a security or privacy feature.

Moderators reserve the right to assign or adjust T# in special circumstances, logging a reasonable note in #logbook. This ensures everyone understands the basis of decisions, even if personal or situational specifics are not disclosed. Special circumstances may include active participation in voice chat, returning members, long-term partners of established members, trusted community figures, etc.

A Mathematical Breakdown

The server's leveling system is crafted for fairness and engagement. To level up, a specific amount of experience points is required, determined by the formula:  . This quadratic formula ensures that early levels are easier to achieve, with higher levels becoming more challenging.

The total experience gained from each message is calculated using several key factors: Length, Rate, Longevity, and Consistency.

  • The Length Score measures message richness based on word count and media presence.
  • The Rate Score evaluates messaging frequency, encouraging active but non-spammy participation.
  • The Longevity Score rewards continuous presence in the server.
  • The Consistency Score reflects regular engagement over time.

Combining these scores, the experience from each message is calculated as:  .

The system is designed to be transparent and fair, emphasizing quality engagement. Active and meaningful participation is key to leveling up!

Tier Rewards

The T# system rewards contributions to the server (@T3, @T6, @T9), focusing on quality engagement over standard leveling. Tiers are earned through experience points accumulated from positive interactions, not just by reaching specific levels. This allows for nuanced recognition of members' contributions beyond just their level number.

Flexibility and fairness are built into the system. Tier progression can be paused for individuals, allowing for continued level advancement without tier advancement. This ensures rewards align with ongoing positive contributions. Members with a proven positive impact may be directly awarded higher tiers (e.g., starting at @T6) acknowledging their trustworthiness and value to the community. Unique contributions matter, as the journey through tiers is shaped by unique interactions and contributions, not just posting frequency.

While tiers help manage access to specific channels, they are not privacy tools. Members are encouraged to share thoughtfully and respect the privacy of all community members. Embrace the role in shaping the community with positive actions and interactions, as every contribution brings members closer to the next tier.

Server Currency System

The server currency system is intricately designed to enrich community interaction and reward active participation. It's calibrated to ensure fairness and motivate continuous engagement, with checks and balances to prevent stagnation and accumulation without contribution. At its heart, the system is about meaningful transactions that reflect the value we place on community involvement and member contributions.

The server currency system is still a work in progress and not fully implemented at this time.

Warnings, Education, and Moderator Action

If a member does not abide by the rules or code of conduct, this may result in action being taken against them. Generally, the corrective action will be public education instead of sanctions, wherever practical.

However, Moderators reserve the right to pursue action without discretion against anyone who does not comply with the rules or the code of conduct. They are not obligated to preface any moderation with a warning or lesser action.

Moderator action may include but is not limited to any of the following to ensure adherence to the server's rules and code of conduct:
Action Description
Informative Reminder A private or public message explaining the rule or code of conduct violation and offering suggestions for avoiding similar issues in the future.
Public Clarification A public message clarifying that a specific message or behavior is not appropriate.
Removal of Content Deletion of any message, thread, reaction, media, file, attachment, or other content that violates server rules or guidelines, or requesting the member to modify such content.
Temporary Mute In instances where a member's behavior is deemed disruptive or inappropriate, a moderator may temporarily mute the member's ability to send messages in the server.
Temporary Timeout In instances where a member's behavior is deemed disruptive or inappropriate, but also requiring a more discreet approach, a moderator may temporarily restrict the member's access to interactive functions within the server, such as sending messages or responding to prompts. This is intended to address problematic behavior without publicly embarrassing or undermining the authority of the member.
Limited Access A member's access to certain parts of the server or specific channels is restricted, typically as a consequence for repeated rule violations or serious breaches of the code of conduct.
Temporary Ban Moderators may temporarily restrict a member's access to the Discord server if they are found to have violated the rules or code of conduct. This ban may last for a specified period of time, after which the member may be allowed to return.
Permanent Ban In cases of severe or repeated violations, moderators may permanently ban a member from the Discord server, preventing them from returning in the future.

General Advice

Hey there! We understand that navigating our community with its various rules and expectations can be challenging. But don't worry, we're here to help with some general advice to make the transition smoother. Remember, effort is key to success in our space.

Fundamentals for a Smooth Experience

Let's dive a bit deeper. The key to thriving here is not just knowing the rules but also how you play the game. It's about the little things—being clear, being kind, and being open to growth. So, here’s the lowdown on how to make your mark and enjoy your time with us.

  • Words Are Hard
    • Expressing oneself clearly online can be a challenge. Miscommunication and misunderstandings can happen easily in the digital space. It's important to take extra care when trying to convey your intentions and ideas online to avoid confusion.
  • It's Okay To Apologize
    • If you have broken a rule or breached the code of conduct, it may be appropriate to apologize to those concerned.
  • Think Before You Speak
    • When commenting on a sensitive subject, please consider how your words may be interpreted.
  • Favoritism Is Encouraged and Fun
    • Building relationships and earning the favor of others within the community is not only permitted, but encouraged. It can be difficult to stand out and be recognized, but successfully navigating the expectations of both the community and individuals can lead to great rewards.
  • Social Effort Reaps Social Results
    • If you're not getting the attention you desire, consider respectfully and tactfully asking if there is anything you can do to change that. Remember, there is a balance between being engaging and enjoyable and being annoying.
  • No One Is Immune to Criticism
    • Everyone is subject to criticism. If you're acting bratty as a submissive or switch, you may receive punishment. If you made a poor decision as a dominant or switch, your peers may address it. But if you're being a generally bad person, you deserve to be held accountable.
  • Seek Professional Counsel
    • While advice and experiences shared within the community can be valuable, it is always important to seek professional legal or medical advice before making critical decisions.

Server Cheatsheet

We want to make sure that you have a smooth and enjoyable experience on our server, and part of that is understanding the different roles and role icons that you may encounter.

To help with that, we've created a reference guide to serve as a resource for you. This guide is designed to make it easy for you to understand the different responsibilities and privileges of each role, so you can make the most of your time here and feel confident in navigating our community.

Username Colors Interaction Guidelines Matrix
Role Name Description Scene @Dominant @Switch @Submissive
@Dominant Magenta usernames identify a participant who is a dominant. Respect Deference or Respect Deference
@Dominant-aligned Purple usernames identify a participant who is a switch. This is an optional contextual role reflecting a switch's current preference towards dominance. Respect Deference or Respect Deference or Respect
@Switch Purple usernames identify a participant who is a switch. Respect Deference or Respect Deference or Respect
@Submissive-aligned Purple usernames identify a participant who is a switch. This is an optional contextual role reflecting a switch's current preference towards submission. Respect Deference or Respect Deference or Respect
@Submissive Teal usernames identify a participant who is a submissive. Respect Respect Respect
@Safeword Used Green usernames identify nonparticipants and Kink-Adjacent people. Use of the server safeword removes the user from the dynamic scene for 10 minutes. 🚫 Care Care Care
@Nonparticipant Green usernames identify nonparticipants and Kink-Adjacent people. 🚫 Respect Respect Respect
@Kink-Adjacent Green usernames identify nonparticipants and Kink-Adjacent people. 🚫 Respect Respect Respect
@Resting Red usernames indicate members with temporarily limited or restricted access. ⁉️ Care Care Care
@Muted Red usernames indicate members with temporarily limited or restricted access. ⁉️ Care Care Care
✅ - Active participant in the scene.
🚫 - Not participating in the scene.
⁉️ - May or may not be a participant in the scene.
Role Icons
Role Icon Description
                      Pronouns are the default role icon alongside the username and help you identify the correct pronouns people should be addressed with.
  Signals an immediate end to any relevant ongoing activities related to the dynamic scene. The @Safeword Used role and role icon will be active for 10 minutes alongside the username.
  A person has selected the @On Break role, and would like to minimize the amount of interaction they have without having to communicate their state. The role and role icon will be active alongside the username until removed.
  A person with the @Muted role icon alongside their username have been temporarily muted by a Moderator.
Useful Information
Name Description
Soft Mute A soft mute is a corrective action that dominant-aligned members can assign to submissive-aligned members for minor infractions that do not require moderator intervention. The mute operates on the honor system, where a dominant-aligned member may write @Mention :gag: <time> (e.g., Janeway   15m) in chat to signify a timed mute. The soft mute is not tracked by any bot and is expected to be respected by the assigned submissive-aligned member.
Lines Handwritten lines ("lines") are a corrective action that dominant-aligned members can assign to submissive-aligned members for minor infractions that do not require moderator intervention. This is often done with lighthearted and playful intentions but can also serve as a reminder of community guidelines. Submissive-aligned members should post their completed lines in the #punishments channel or another specified channel, tagging the assigning member.
Unique Discipline Dominant-aligned members in the community can assign unique corrective actions to submissive-aligned members for minor infractions that do not require moderator intervention. These actions can be creative and should be done in good taste with established rapport between the members involved. The results should be posted in the #punishments channel or another specified channel, tagging the assigning member.
Tasks Tasks are unique assignments given by dominant-aligned members to other server members for fun or to fulfill a desire. Tasks can be assigned from the #tasks channel, other channels, Direct Messages, or Voice Chat, and are not restricted to a specific location. They may include a reward, and the results should be posted in the #compliance channel or another specified channel, tagging the assigning member.
Server Economy The server economy is a virtual system of currency, known as 💵, which can be awarded to submissive-aligned members by dominant-aligned members for completing tasks or as a reward for good behavior. This currency can be used to purchase items in the #rewards channel when applicable, serving as a way to show appreciation and add a fun element to the community.
Important Roles
Role Name Description
@Do Not Ping Members with the @Do Not Ping role should not be @Mention or Reply pinged in the same channel or channels they are active in, as it can cause clutter and disrupt their experience.
@T3 The @T3 role is earned by consistently posting within this community and is automatically assigned by our leveling bot, @Makima.
@T6 The @T6 role is earned by consistently posting within this community and is automatically assigned by our leveling bot, @Makima.
@T9 The @T9 role is earned by consistently posting within this community and is automatically assigned by our leveling bot, @Makima.
@Health Unlocks content warning (Health) channels with topics and content focused on fitness, health, and wellness.
@Censored The @Censored role is used to prevent a submissive-aligned member from viewing any NSFW channels. Members with this role may still see the channel names and receive pings, but they cannot view any content within those channels. The role is assigned by dominant-aligned members through the ?censor command and can be reversed to restore the member's original access.
@Punished The @Punished role is used to restrict a submissive-aligned member's access to the server as a form of discipline. Members with this role cannot interact or see content from any channels except the #punishment and #rules channels. The role is assigned by dominant-aligned members through the ?punish command and can be reversed to restore the member's original roles.
@Labor Unlocks content warning (Emotional Labor) channels with potentially triggering topics and content. (Requires: @T3 or higher)
@NSFW+ Unlocks content warning (NSFW) channels containing inappropriate or adult content (e.g., pornography) that may be offensive. (Requires: @T6 or higher)
@Loyal Members with the @Loyal role have boosted the Discord server and have been commended for their contribution and support.
@Authenticated Members with the @Authenticated role have verified their age through a valid form of identification or another attributable method.
@Unauthenticated Users with the @Unauthenticated role have just joined the server and have not yet provided age verification through a valid form of identification.
@Resting The @Resting role allows members to limit their access to the server due to mental health concerns or other reasons without leaving entirely. Members with this role cannot interact or see content from any channels except the #resting and #rules channels. Additionally, this role may be used for members flagged for significant issues, placing them in the #resting channel for review and reconciliation.
@Muted The @Muted role restricts a member's ability to speak in any channels while still allowing them access to view content across the server. Members with this role will have a Muted role icon next to their name. This temporary measure is used to address inappropriate behavior or rule violations, preventing the member from participating in conversations until the mute period ends.
@Mod Members with the @Mod role are Moderators who have been given additional responsibilities and privileges to help maintain and manage the community.

Bot Commands

User Commands
Command Description Options
?stop The server safeword command that signals an immediate end to any ongoing activities related to the dynamic scene.


  • None


  • ?stop
/info Allows viewing your own or another user's level and engagement information and statistics.


  • Default: None
  • user: The user whose level and info you want to view (@Mention or User ID)


  • /info
  • /info user:@Janeway
  • /info user:1079254305128849488
/leaderboard Shows the top experience point earners in the server. The leaderboard cleans itself on a 7-day cooldown to remove inactive members.


  • None


  • /leaderboard
$money Check your own or another user's balance and leaderboard placement.


  • Default: None
  • user: The user whose balance you want to view (@Mention)


  • $money
  • $money @Janeway
$leaderboard View the server's economy leaderboard.


  • None


  • $leaderboard
$give-money Allows members to give money to another member. Can be used by dominant-aligned members to reward a submissive-aligned member for completing a task or showing appreciation or by submissive-aligned members to bargain with a dominant-aligned member


  • user: The user to give money to (@Mention)
  • amount: The amount of money to give


  • $give-money @Janeway 7
?censor Allows dominant-aligned members to prevent a submissive-aligned member's access to any NSFW channels by applying the @Censored role. Use it again to remove the censorship and restore their original access.


  • user: The user to be censored (@Mention or User ID)


  • ?censor @Janeway
  • ?censor 1079254305128849488
?punish Allows dominant-aligned members to restrict a submissive-aligned member's access to the server by replacing all of their roles with the @Punished role and placing them in the #punishment channel. Use it again to release from punishment and restore their original roles.


  • user: The user to punish or unpunish (@Mention or User ID)


  • ?punish @Janeway
  • ?punish 1079254305128849488
/bump Bumps the server's Disboard listing to the top of the list. May be used once every two hours.


  • None


  • /bump
/tickets Open Opens a new ticket.


  • subject: A brief reason for opening the ticket, or an anonymized sentence based on a positive framing of the subject


  • /tickets Open subject:Janeway is so cool
  • /tickets Open subject:Safety Concerns
  • /tickets Open subject:Safeword Abuse
  • /tickets Open subject:Scene Role Change
  • /tickets Open subject:New Role Request
  • /tickets Open subject:Role Definition Update Request
  • /tickets Open subject:Since All Would Gaze Upon Her Beauty
  • /tickets Open subject:All Shall Love Me And Despair
@Mention :gag: A corrective discipline that dominant-aligned members can assign to submissive-aligned members for minor infractions that do not warrant moderator intervention. It is not tracked by any bot and is based on the honor system.


  • @Mention: The user to be soft-muted
  • Time: The duration of the soft mute


  • @Janeway :gag: 45s
  • @Janeway :gag: 15m
  • @Janeway :gag: 7h
  • @Janeway :gag: 1d
Moderator Commands
Command Description Options
/mod role add Adds a role to a user.


  • user: The user to add the role to (@Mention or User ID)
  • role: The role to add
  • reason: The reason for adding the role


  • /mod role add user:@Janeway role:@Dork reason:Silly
  • /mod role add user:1079254305128849488 role:@Dork reason:Silly
/mod role remove Removes a role from a user.


  • user: The user to remove the role from (@Mention or User ID)
  • role: The role to remove
  • reason: The reason for removing the role


  • /mod role remove user:@Janeway role:@Dork reason:Too cool!
  • /mod role remove user:1079254305128849488 role:@Dork reason:Too cool!
/mod role update Swaps one role for another.


  • user: The user to swap the role for (@Mention or User ID)
  • old_role: The role to remove
  • new_role: The role to add
  • reason: The reason for swapping the role


  • /mod role update user:@Janeway old_role:@Dork new_role:@Nerd reason:Get bullied!
  • /mod role update user:1079254305128849488 old_role:@Dork new_role:@Nerd reason:Get bullied!
/mod ban Bans a user. Will open a modal to provide additional messaging.


  • user: The user to ban (@Mention or User ID)
  • Modal:
    • Reason: The reason for banning the user
    • User Message: Message to send to banned user via Direct Message (optional)
    • Community Message: A message to send to the community via the announcements channel (optional)


  • /mod ban user:@Janeway
  • /mod ban user:1079254305128849488
    • Reason: Repeated violations
    • User Message: You have been banned
    • Community Message: Janeway has been banned for repeated rule violations
?auth Authenticates someone with the @Unauthenticated role into the server.


  • user: The user to authenticate (@Mention or User ID)


  • ?auth @Janeway
  • ?auth 1079254305128849488
?closeauth Automatically closes the authentication ticket and marks it in the #log-moderation channel. Can only be used in an authentication ticket.


  • user: The user whose ticket you want to close (@Mention or User ID)


  • ?closeauth @Janeway
  • ?closeauth 1079254305128849488
?fail Kicks someone in the server with the @Unauthenticated role or no roles who has not completed authentication.


  • user: The user to kick (@Mention or User ID)


  • ?fail @Janeway
  • ?fail 1079254305128849488
?rest Takes away all of a user's roles and places them in the #resting channel. Use it again to return the user from the #resting channel and restore their original roles.


  • user: The user to rest or unrest (@Mention or User ID)


  • ?rest @Janeway
  • ?rest 1079254305128849488
/tickets Close Closes a ticket.


  • reason: A descriptive overview of what happened, actions taken, and resolution found as applicable


  • /tickets Close reason:Failed to authenticate
  • /tickets Close reason:Expressed gratitude for Janeway's aggressively positive impact
  • /tickets Close reason:Changed scene role from Submissive to Dominant
  • /tickets Close reason:Addressed issue with Janeway in regards to rule violations
/tickets Rename Renames the ticket.


  • new-name: A more accurate description of the subject, or an anonymized sentence based on a positive framing of the subject


  • /tickets Rename new-name:Gratitude for Janeway's con
  • /tickets Rename new-name:Concerns about repeated rule violations by Janeway
  • /tickets Rename new-name:Since All Would Gaze Upon Her Beauty
  • /tickets Rename new-name:All Shall Love Me And Despair
/tickets AddUser Adds a user to the ticket in this channel.


  • target: The user to add to the ticket (@Mention or User ID)


  • /tickets AddUser target:@Janeway
  • /tickets AddUser target:1079254305128849488
/tickets RemoveUser Removes a user from the ticket.


  • target: The user remove from the ticket (@Mention or User ID)


  • /tickets RemoveUser target:@Janeway
  • /tickets RemoveUser target:1079254305128849488

References and Further Reading


  1. Iscah. "User:Iscah". Retrieved 2 July 2024.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  2. Wikipedia contributors (23 May 2024). "Sexual consent". Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 2 July 2024. Primary contributors: revision history statistics